
Epilepsy Epilogue

Living with epilepsy and writing my epilogue about navigating the world between each episode.

This is a personal blog written by someone who lives with intractable epilepsy. This blog offers advice and encouragement to those who also live with chronic illness. By sharing my experiences and insights, the I hope to provide support and guidance to those who may be struggling with their own health challenges.

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5 Common Responses When You Disclose Your Chronic Illness

Living with chronic illness comes with its own set of challenges, and one of them is dealing with people’s reactions when you tell them about your medical condition. Here are five common responses and suggestions on how to handle each situation. 1. “At least it’s not cancer.” And if it is cancer, at least it…

I Stretched Every Day for 31 Days, This is What Happened…

I am the epitome of idleness; not because I am lazy but because of my chronic illness. My uncontrolled epilepsy causes multiple seizures throughout the day and status epilepticus at night, leading to constant exhaustion. Even a simple task can consume all my energy, let alone anything physical. Just existing uses up more energy than…

Frequently Asked Questions About Epilepsy

Is epilepsy just where you fall on the floor and shake? Epilepsy is a neurological condition that causes recurrent seizures. There are many types of seizures that present themselves in different ways. Most people are familiar with generalized tonic-clonic seizures, where a person loses consciousness and muscles get stiff and rhythmically jerk on both sides…

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